40hz Alzheimer’s and Dementia Frequencies + Visuals + Subliminals


Watch and listen to this video file using low frequency response headphones.



This video file is approximately 27 minutes long and contains 40hz frequencies, 40hz visual flashes and visual subliminals.

Scientists have discovered that non-invasive tactile stimulation at a frequency of 40 Hz can significantly reduce Alzheimer’s pathology and symptoms in mouse models. Read more. Building on this idea I’ve created an audio and video experiment that is available for self experimentation. By using low frequency response headphones, you may be able to achieve stimulation or entrainment effects in the 40hz frequency range.

I am not affiliated with MIT. The video and audio files offered here are experimental and provided as-is. No claims of effectiveness are being made. Use at your own risk. Consult a physician before using.


You can remember everything easily,
Your memory is improving,
Recalling information effortlessly is your natural ability,
Your memory is getting better every day,
Every piece of knowledge is firmly stored in your mind,
Your memory grows stronger with each passing moment,
Remembering details is becoming second nature,
Your memory is sharpening steadily,
Your mind effortlessly retrieves information,
Your memory becomes more reliable every day,
Recollection is a simple and automatic process,
Your memory capacity expands consistently,
Your memory serves you faithfully,
Remembering is now a joyful experience,
Every experience enriches your memory,
Your mind retains information effortlessly,
Your memory is a treasure trove of knowledge,
Recalling is as easy as breathing,
Your memory is a powerful asset,
You effortlessly retain and recall information,
Remembering is an enjoyable and natural process,
Your memory is a wellspring of wisdom,
You excel in retaining and recalling information,
Your memory becomes sharper with each day,
Your memory is like a steel trap,
Remembering is effortless and efficient,
Recollection comes naturally to you,
Your memory is improving consistently,
Your mind is a storehouse of memories,
Recalling is an innate skill for you,
Your memory is a boundless reservoir,
Recollection flows effortlessly,
Every day, your memory capacity expands,
You effortlessly retrieve information,
Your memory is clear and precise,
Remembering is second nature to you,
Your memory is a reliable companion,
Recalling information is a breeze,
Your mind absorbs knowledge like a sponge,
Your memory is becoming exceptional,
You have an amazing ability to recall,
Your memory is enhancing steadily,
Your memory effortlessly captures every detail,
Recollection is natural and easy,
Remembering is an integral part of who you are,
Your memory is continually improving,
Your memory is a remarkable asset,
Recalling information is effortless,
Your mind is a repository of wisdom,
Your memory serves you exceptionally well,
Every moment enriches your memory,
Remembering is a joyful experience,
Your memory is a boundless source of knowledge,
Recalling is as easy as thought,
Your memory is a finely tuned instrument,
You excel at retaining and recalling information,
Remembering is a pleasurable and natural process,
Your memory is a well of wisdom,
You effortlessly retain and recall information,
Your memory sharpens with each passing day,
Your cognitive abilities are expanding,
Your mind is becoming sharper,
Mental clarity and focus are your natural states,
Your cognitive skills are improving every day,
Every mental task is easily accomplished,
Your cognitive capabilities are growing stronger,
Your brain effortlessly processes information,
Cognitive enhancement is a constant part of your life,
Your thinking is becoming second nature,
Your cognitive abilities are sharpening consistently,
Your mind effortlessly solves complex problems,
Cognitive improvement is a continuous journey,
You are a quick thinker,
Your cognitive capacity expands consistently,
Your mental agility serves you faithfully,
Cognitive tasks are now joyful experiences,
Every mental challenge enriches your abilities,
Your mind effortlessly tackles tasks,
Your cognitive functions are outstanding,
Enhancing your cognition is a daily practice,
Clarity of thought comes naturally,
Your cognitive skills are reaching new heights,
Your mind is a powerhouse of intelligence,
Cognitive growth is your constant companion,
You think quickly and effectively,
Cognitive improvement is your ongoing goal,
Your brain is a marvel of efficiency,
Cognitive abilities flourish within you,
Your cognitive prowess is exceptional,
Mental tasks are a source of enjoyment,
Your intellect is ever-expanding,
Cognitive development is a natural process,
You have a brilliant mind,
Your cognitive skills are evolving continuously,
Your mental acuity is remarkable,
Cognitive tasks are effortless for you,
Your thinking is sharp and precise,
Cognitive enhancement is your daily endeavor,
You excel in cognitive tasks,
Your mind adapts and improves effortlessly,
Your cognitive abilities are a valuable asset,
Cognitive growth is part of your identity,
Mental clarity is your constant state,
Your cognitive skills are on a steady ascent,
Your brain is a powerhouse of creativity,
Cognitive improvement is a lifelong journey,
You think critically and effectively,
Cognitive abilities are your inherent gift,
Your cognitive functions are a wellspring of strength,
Cognitive tasks are a pleasure to tackle,
Your intellect is a limitless resource,
Cognitive development is your natural path,
You possess exceptional mental prowess,
Cognitive enhancement is your daily mission,
Your thinking is agile and adaptable,
Cognitive tasks are a source of pride,
Mental clarity and focus are your constant companions,
Your cognitive skills are ever-improving


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